title: Portfolio Sites --- summary: Demonstrates how to build portfolio sites with Lektor. --- body: Because Lektor lets you customize your data model entirely it's the perfect tool for building portfolio websites. No matter what it is you're building, you can structure the data exactly like you want. In this example we will assume we build a website for someone who wants to showcase their art projects. ## The Models The way we want to go about this is that we have a site where all the projects shows up and then a detail page for each project in particular. ### `projects.ini` First we set up the project overview page. This model instructs Lektor that all of the pages below it will be of type `project`. We also set it to `hidden` and `protected` which will make it unavailable in the admin (`hidden`) for new pages and make it impossible to delete (`protected`). This means we need to manually create the one page later which will use this. Because we only have a single page for the projects overview we give it a label manually (`label = Projects`). ```ini [model] name = Projects label = Projects hidden = yes protected = yes [children] model = project order_by = -date, name ``` ### `project.ini` Next up is the model for the project. This is completely up to you, we will go with some things here that might appear on such a portfolio page. In addition we will do something with the attachments of this page, but more about that later. For now we just order them by their filename (`_id`): ```ini [model] name = Project label = {{ this.name }} hidden = yes [attachments] order_by = _id [fields.name] label = Name type = string size = large [fields.date] label = Date type = date size = 1/4 [fields.type] label = Project type type = string size = 1/4 [fields.website] label = Website type = url size = 1/2 [fields.description] label = Description type = markdown ``` ## Templates So now that we have models, we should probably go over what we can do with the attachments. Because each page in Lektor can have attachments added we can automatically reference those in our templates. Here is what we're going to do: we will take all the attached images, order them by their filename and then render thumbnails for them in the detail page. Additionally we want to show one of the images on the overview page if it's available. ### `projects.html` So here we just render out all projects in the order defined in our models and if there is an image attached, we pick the first one and make a thumbnail. ```html+jinja {% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %}Projects{% endblock %} {% block body %} <h1>Projects</h1> <div class="projects"> {% for project in this.children %} <div class="project"> {% set image = project.attachments.images.first() %} {% if image %} <img src="{{ image.thumbnail(320)|url }}" alt=""> {% endif %} <h2><a href="{{ project|url }}">{{ project.name }}</a> <em>({{ project.date.year }})</em></h2> <p><strong>{{ project.type }}</strong></p> </div> {% endfor %} </div> {% endblock %} ``` ### `project.html` For the detail page we show all information we know about: ```html+jinja {% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %}{{ this.name }} ({{ this.date.year }}){% endblock %} {% block body %} <h1>{{ this.name }}</h1> <dt> <dt>Date <dd>{{ this.date|dateformat }} {% if this.website %} <dt>Website <dd><a href="{{ this.website }}">{{ this.website.host }}</a> {% endif %} <dt>Project type <dd>{{ this.type }} </dl> <h2>Description</h2> <div class="description">{{ this.description }}</div> {% set images = project.attachments.images.all() %} {% if images %} <h2>Images</h2> {% for image in images %} <div class="image"> <img src="{{ image.thumbnail(640)|url }}" alt=""> {% if image.exif %} <p class=meta> {{ image.exif.camera }} {% if image.exif.created_at %} ({{ image.exif.created_at|dateformat }}) {% endif %} {% endif %} </div> {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} ``` Some notes on what's maybe not entirely obvious: * a `url` field does not just give access to the stored URL but also provides some properties such as `.host` to just get the host of the website. * we can use the `|dateformat` filter to format out dates nicely * by calling `.all()` on our images we get the images back as a list where we can then check if any images exist with `if images`. * we can access embedded EXIF information by using the `.exif` property.