title: Lektor Loves Travis-CI and GitHub Pages

Read about how to use Lektor with Travis-CI and GitHub Pages.
pub_date: 2015-12-23
author: Armin Ronacher
twitter_handle: mitsuhiko

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Open Source projects need websites, that's a given, and one of the most popular
ways to host them these days is [GitHub Pages :ext](https://pages.github.com/).
It's a free service provided by [GitHub :ext](https://github.com/) which allows
hosts a git repository as a website on a subdomain of `github.io`.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could easily host Lektor projects on there?  Turns
out you can with the help of [Travis-CI :ext](https://travis-ci.org/).  Because
Lektor has built-in support for deploying to GitHub Pages pairing up the three
is a breeze.

We [created a guide :ref](../../../../docs/deployment/travisci/) and also recorded
a screencast that goes with it:

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