title: Databags
type: class
module: lektor.databags
summary: A support system for loading site specific variables.

The databag system is a simple support system in Lektor that allows a
Lektor website to load variables from simple key/value or JSON files.
This is primarily useful to load translations, API keys and similar
things that are needed in multiple templates.

From within templates you can use the [bag :ref](../templates/globals/bag/)
function to access databags.

## Supported Formats

Databags go into the `databags/` folder in your project.  There are two
formats supported: key/value pairs as ini files as well as JSON files:

| Extension | Format
| --------- | --------
| `.json`   | JSON
| `.ini`    | INI Files with or without sections

## Navigating Bags

Dotted notation is used to navigate into data bags which are globally
merged together.  This means that if you have a file named `i18n.ini`
with a section `[en]` and a key `CLICK_HERE` the path `i18n.en.CLICK_HERE`
will target that key.  For JSON files further nesting is possible.  You
can also just target a section and the return value will be a dictionary
which can for instance be used with the [tojson :ref](../templates/filters/tojson/)

## Example Databag

This is a basic example of a data bag that contains configuration values
for google maps.  It's stored in `databags/gmaps.ini`:

key = 1233456ABCDEFG
api_url = https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/

This can then be usde to good effect in templates:

{% macro render_map(location, width=600, height=450) %}
    width="{{ width }}" height="{{ height }}"
    frameborder="0" style="border:0"
    src="{{ bag('gmaps.api_url') }}?q={{ location|urlencode
      }}&key={{ bag('gmaps.key')|urlencode }}"
{% endmacro %}