Plugin – lektor-gulp 0.3.2

A simple Lektor plugin for gulp

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Version: 0.3.2

Author: Maurizio Turatti


before-build-all, CSS, gulp, HTML, JavaScript, server-spawn, and server-stop

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Project Description

This plugin for Lektor CMS adds gulp support to projects. When enabled with the -f gulp flag it runs npm install and then the gulp default or watch tasks as they are defined into your own gulpfile.js.

The general documentation about Lektor plugins is here.

lektor build

The command lektor build -f gulp runs the ``default`` gulp task, for example defined as something like:

gulp.task('build', ['clean', 'copy', 'js', 'css', 'imagemin'], () => { });
gulp.task('default', ['build'], () => { });

In the above example the default task points to a build task, which is usually composed by several other gulp tasks, etc.

lektor server

The command lektor server -f gulp runs the Lektor embedded server on http://localhost:5000, starting a gulp ``watch`` task in background. For example, you can define something such as:

gulp.task('watch', () => {'lib/js/**/*.js', ['js']);'lib/css/**/*.css', ['css']);

In the above example, each time one touches Javascript or CSS files in the lib/ folder then assets could be minified, concatenated and copied into the standard assets/static/ lektor folder, or whatever is defined into your own gulpfile.js.


This plugin is based on the official Webpack plugin with very little differences.
