{% extends "layout.html" %} {% from "macros/docs.html" import get_doc_icon, get_doc_link, get_doc_header %} {% block title %}{{ (this.title ~ ' | ') if this.title != 'Documentation' }}Documentation{% endblock %} {% block body %}
{% if this.body.toc %}

This Page

    {% for item in this.body.toc recursive %}
  • {{ item.title }}{% if item.children %}
      {{ loop(item.children) }}
    {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{{ get_doc_header(this) }} {% if this.type == 'method' %}

Method of {{ get_doc_link(this.parent) }} {% elif this.type == 'property' %}

Property of {{ get_doc_link(this.parent) }} {% elif this.type == 'operator' %}

Operator of {{ get_doc_link(this.parent) }} {% endif %} {% if this.template_var %}

Template variable: {{ this.template_var }} {% endif %} {{ this.body }} {% if this.children %}

{% for cols in this.children|batch(2) %}
{% for page in cols if page %}

{{ get_doc_icon(page) }} {{ get_doc_link(page) }}

{% if page.summary %}

{{ page.summary }}

{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if this.allow_comments %}


{{ render_disqus_comments() }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}