# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import posixpath from datetime import date from werkzeug.utils import cached_property from lektor.pluginsystem import Plugin from lektor.sourceobj import VirtualSourceObject from lektor.build_programs import BuildProgram from lektor.context import get_ctx def get_path_segments(str): pieces = str.split('/') if pieces == ['']: return [] return pieces def push_path(pieces, item): if item: pieces.append(unicode(item)) class BlogArchive(VirtualSourceObject): def __init__(self, parent, plugin, items=None, year=None, month=None): VirtualSourceObject.__init__(self, parent) self.plugin = plugin self._items = items self.year = year self.month = month @property def date(self): if self.year is None: raise AttributeError() return date(self.year, self.month or 1, 1) @property def year_archive(self): if self.year is None: raise AttributeError() if self.month is None: return self return BlogArchive(self.parent, self.plugin, year=self.year) @property def archive_index(self): if self.year is None: return self return BlogArchive(self.parent, self.plugin) @cached_property def year_archives(self): if self.year is not None: return [] years = set() for item in self.parent.children: pub_date = self.plugin.get_pub_date(item) if pub_date: years.add(pub_date.year) return [BlogArchive(self.parent, self.plugin, year=year) for year in sorted(years)] @property def items(self): if self.year is None: return [] if self._items is not None: return self._items rv = list(self._iter_items()) self._items = rv return rv def _iter_items(self): for item in self.parent.children: pub_date = self.plugin.get_pub_date(item) if pub_date is None: continue if pub_date.year == self.year and \ (self.month is None or pub_date.month == self.month): yield item @property def has_any_items(self): if self._items is not None: return bool(self._items) for item in self._iter_items(): return True return False @property def items_by_months(self): months = {} for item in self.items: pub_date = self.plugin.get_pub_date(item) months.setdefault(date(pub_date.year, pub_date.month, 1), []).append(item) return [(BlogArchive(self.parent, self.plugin, year=d.year, month=d.month), i) for d, i in sorted(months.items())] @property def url_path(self): prefix = self.parent.url_path.strip('/') pieces = [] if prefix: pieces.append(prefix) if self.year is None: push_path(pieces, self.plugin.get_archive_index_path()) elif self.month is None: push_path(pieces, self.plugin.get_month_archive_prefix()) push_path(pieces, self.year) else: push_path(pieces, self.plugin.get_year_archive_prefix()) push_path(pieces, self.year) push_path(pieces, self.month) return '/%s/' % '/'.join(pieces) @property def template_name(self): if self.year is None: return 'blog-archive/index.html' if self.month is None: return 'blog-archive/year.html' return 'blog-archive/month.html' class BlogArchiveBuildProgram(BuildProgram): def produce_artifacts(self): self.declare_artifact( posixpath.join(self.source.url_path, 'index.html'), sources=list(self.source.iter_source_filenames())) def build_artifact(self, artifact): artifact.render_template_into(self.source.template_name, this=self.source) class BlogArchivePlugin(Plugin): name = u'Blog Archive' description = u'Adds archives to a blog.' def get_pub_date(self, post): key = self.get_config().get('pub_date_field', 'pub_date') return post[key] def get_blog_path(self): return self.get_config().get('blog_path', '/blog') def get_archive_index_path(self): return self.get_config().get('archive_path', 'archive').strip('/') def get_year_archive_prefix(self): return self.get_config().get('year_archive_prefix', 'archive').strip('/') def get_month_archive_prefix(self): return self.get_config().get('month_archive_prefix', 'archive').strip('/') def on_setup_env(self, **extra): blog_path = self.get_blog_path() self.env.add_build_program(BlogArchive, BlogArchiveBuildProgram) def get_blog_archive(): pad = get_ctx().pad blog = pad.get(blog_path) if blog is not None: return BlogArchive(blog, self) self.env.jinja_env.globals['get_blog_archive'] = get_blog_archive @self.env.urlresolver def archive_resolver(node, url_path): if node.path != blog_path: return archive_index = get_path_segments(self.get_archive_index_path()) if url_path == archive_index: return BlogArchive(node, self) year_prefix = get_path_segments(self.get_year_archive_prefix()) month_prefix = get_path_segments(self.get_month_archive_prefix()) year = None month = None if url_path[:len(year_prefix)] == year_prefix and \ url_path[len(year_prefix)].isdigit() and \ len(url_path) == len(year_prefix) + 1: year = int(url_path[len(year_prefix)]) elif (url_path[:len(month_prefix)] == month_prefix and len(url_path) == len(month_prefix) + 2 and url_path[len(month_prefix)].isdigit() and url_path[len(month_prefix) + 1].isdigit()): year = int(url_path[len(month_prefix)]) month = int(url_path[len(month_prefix) + 1]) else: return None rv = BlogArchive(node, self, year=year, month=month) if rv.has_any_items: return rv @self.env.generator def genererate_blog_archive_pages(source): if source.path != blog_path: return blog = source years = {} months = {} for post in blog.children: pub_date = self.get_pub_date(post) if pub_date: years.setdefault(pub_date.year, []).append(post) months.setdefault((pub_date.year, pub_date.month), []).append(post) yield BlogArchive(blog, self) for year, items in sorted(years.items()): yield BlogArchive(blog, self, year=year, items=items) for (year, month), items in sorted(months.items()): yield BlogArchive(blog, self, year=year, month=month, items=items)