sub_artifact (artifact_name, sources=None, source_obj=None, config_hash=None)

This method can be used as Python decorator to inform the builder to create an artifact that is related to the current artifact but locally contained within it. For instance this is used to implement the thumbnailing and similar things.

Each artifact needs at least a name which is what the final file will be called. For instance /demo.css would place an artifact named demo.css in the root folder. The sources is an optional list of files that indicate that they are responsible for creating this artifact. It can be left empty in which case the artifact just tracks the current file. The source_obj can optionally point to a source object but for most plugins this will never be set.

The artifact passed to the function is then the Artifact object for modification. Note that the function will not be invoked if the artifact is already considered up to date.

In addition a config_hash can be provided with can be a hash value. If provided it can identify the configuration that the artifact was created from. If the hash changes the artifact will be rebuilt. Such a hash can for instance be generated with get_structure_hash.


import os
from lektor.pluginsystem import Plugin

class IncludeFilePlugin(Plugin):

    def setup_env(self, **extra):
        def get_css(artifact_name='/demo.css'):
            ctx = get_ctx()
            def build_stylesheet(artifact):
                with'w') as f:
                    f.write('body { background: red; }\n')
            return artifact_name
        self.env.jinja_env.globals['get_demo_css'] = get_css

Inside a template it can be used like this:

<link rel=stylesheet href="{{ get_demo_css()|url }}">
