title: Templates --- sort_key: 90 --- summary: A quick introduction into templating in Lektor. --- body: Lektor uses the [Jinja2 :ext](http://jinja.pocoo.org/) templating language for generating HTML out of your pages. You do not need to understand Jinja2 to be able to generate beautiful websites but if you want to dive deep into the powers of the templating language then you can learn more about it by reading the [Jinja2 Documentation :ext](http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs). !! Templates are a very powerful component in Lektor. A lot of documentation about the features of it can be found in the [Jinja2 Documentation :ext](http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs) as well as the [Lektor Template API Documentation :ext](../api/templates/). ## Template Folder and Naming All templates are stored within the `templates/` folder. Templates typically carry a `.html` extension. The default naming convention which is used in Lektor is that the template name matches the model name. So if you have a model called `page` there would be a template named `page.html`. Pages can however manually force a different template to be rendered. ## Template Context When a template is rendered it's rendered in the context of a few variables. Which ones are available often depends on the situation the template is evaluated in but the following are always available: | Variable | Description | -------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | `this` | The current [Record :ref](../api/db/record/) that is being rendered. | `site` | The database [Pad :ref](../api/db/pad/) that can be used to query the site. | `alt` | A string that identifies the [Alternative :ref](../content/alts/) of the page. | `config` | Gives access to the Lektor project configuration. Additionally, exporting the `LEKTOR_DEV=1` environment variable when running [`lektor server` :ref](../cli/server/) will also enable [Jinja debug extension :ext](https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/3.0.x/extensions/#debug-extension) which may be useful in template development. ## The First Template So let's dive in making our first template. In case you went through the [Quickstart :ref](../quickstart/) you should already have an example model to work with called `page`, otherwise just add one with the format shown in the [Data Modelling Documentation :ref](../models/). With that we can create a page template named `templates/page.html`: ```html+jinja {% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %}{{ this.title }}{% endblock %} {% block body %}