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synced 2025-03-14 09:15:51 +01:00
94 lines
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94 lines
3.1 KiB
{% extends "plugins.html" %}
{% from "macros/docs.html" import get_doc_icon, get_doc_link %}
{% block body %}
{% set pd = project_data(this.name) %}
{% if this.summary %}
{% set summary = this.summary %}
{% elif pd.summary %}
{% set summary = pd.summary %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Place this tag in your head or just before your close body tag. -->
{# <script async defer src="https://buttons.github.io/buttons.js"></script>#}
<div class="plugin">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<h1>Plugin – {{ pd.name }} {{ pd.version }}</h1>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-1"></div>
<div class="col-sm-11">
<p>{{ summary }}<p>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-3 plugin-margin">
<h4>Project links</h4>
<ul class="tree-nav">
<li><a href="{{ pd.home_page }}" class="ext">Homepage</a></li>
{% if 'github' in pd.home_page %}
<div class="separator">
<h4>GitHub Statistics</h4>
<ul class="button-nav">
<li><p><a class="github-button" href="{{ pd.home_page }}" data-icon="octicon-star" data-size="large" data-show-count="true" aria-label="Star {{ this.name }} on GitHub" target="_blank">Star</a></p></li>
<li><p><a class="github-button" href="{{ pd.home_page }}/fork" data-icon="octicon-repo-forked" data-show-count="true" data-size="large" data-show="true" aria-label="Open Issues" target="_blank">Fork</a></p></li>
<li><p><a class="github-button" href="{{ pd.home_page }}/issues" data-icon="octicon-issue-opened" data-show-count="true" data-size="large" data-show="true" aria-label="Open Issues" target="_blank">Open Issues</a></p></li>
{% endif %}
<div class="separator">
<p><strong>Version:</strong> {{ pd.version }}</p>
{% if pd.author_email %}
<a href = "mailto:{{ pd.author_email }}">{{ pd.author }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ pd.author }}
{% endif %}
<div class="separator">
{% if this.tags %}
{% for t in this.tags|sort %}
{{ "and " if loop.last and not loop.first }}
<a href="{{ ('/plugins@tag/' ~ t ~ '/')|url }}">{{ t }}</a>{{ ", " if not loop.last }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>Plugin has no tags.</p>
{% endif %}
View <a href="{{ '/plugins/tags/'|url }}" class="ref">all tags</a>.
<div class="col-sm-9 doc-styling">
<h2>Project Description</h2>
{% if pd.description %}
{{ pd.description|safe }} {# comes out as a text string always #}
{% else %}
<i>Plugin has no long_description</i>
{% endif %}
{% if this.allow_comments %}
<div class="comment-box">
{{ render_disqus_comments() }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}