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<name>Templates OS</name>
<template>debug OS OpenBSD</template>
<name>debug OS OpenBSD</name>
<name>Templates OS</name>
<name>Network interfaces</name>
<name>Zabbix agent</name>
<name>Host name of zabbix_agentd running</name>
<name>Zabbix agent</name>
<name>Agent ping</name>
<description>The agent always returns 1 for this item. It could be used in combination with nodata() for availability check.</description>
<name>Zabbix agent</name>
<name>Zabbix agent ping status</name>
<name>Version of zabbix_agent(d) running</name>
<name>Zabbix agent</name>
<name>Maximum number of opened files</name>
<description>It could be increased by using sysctrl utility or modifying file /etc/sysctl.conf.</description>
<name>Maximum number of processes</name>
<description>It could be increased by using sysctrl utility or modifying file /etc/sysctl.conf.</description>
<name>Number of running processes</name>
<description>Number of processes in running state.</description>
<name>Number of processes</name>
<description>Total number of processes in any state.</description>
<name>Host boot time</name>
<name>Interrupts per second</name>
<name>Processor load (1 min average per core)</name>
<description>The processor load is calculated as system CPU load divided by number of CPU cores.</description>
<name>Processor load (5 min average per core)</name>
<description>The processor load is calculated as system CPU load divided by number of CPU cores.</description>
<name>Processor load (15 min average per core)</name>
<description>The processor load is calculated as system CPU load divided by number of CPU cores.</description>
<name>Context switches per second</name>
<name>CPU $2 time</name>
<description>The time the CPU has spent doing nothing.</description>
<name>CPU $2 time</name>
<description>The amount of time the CPU has been servicing hardware interrupts.</description>
<name>CPU $2 time</name>
<description>The time the CPU has spent running users' processes that have been niced.</description>
<name>CPU $2 time</name>
<description>The time the CPU has spent running the kernel and its processes.</description>
<name>CPU $2 time</name>
<description>The time the CPU has spent running users' processes that are not niced.</description>
<name>Host name</name>
<description>System host name.</description>
<name>Host local time</name>
<name>Free swap space</name>
<name>Free swap space in %</name>
<name>Total swap space</name>
<name>System information</name>
<name>Zabbix agent</name>
<name>System uptime</name>
<name>Number of logged in users</name>
<description>Number of users who are currently logged in.</description>
<name>Checksum of $1</name>
<name>Available memory</name>
<description>Available memory is defined as free+cached+buffers memory.</description>
<name>Total memory</name>
<name>Network interface discovery</name>
<value>@Network interfaces for discovery</value>
<description>Discovery of network interfaces as defined in global regular expression "Network interfaces for discovery".</description>
<name>Incoming network traffic on $1</name>
<name>Network interfaces</name>
<name>Outgoing network traffic on $1</name>
<name>Network interfaces</name>
<name>Network traffic on {#IFNAME}</name>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<name>Mounted filesystem discovery</name>
<value>@File systems for discovery</value>
<description>Discovery of file systems of different types as defined in global regular expression "File systems for discovery".</description>
<name>Free inodes on $1 (percentage)</name>
<name>Free disk space on $1</name>
<name>Free disk space on $1 (percentage)</name>
<name>Total disk space on $1</name>
<name>Used disk space on $1</name>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:vfs.fs.size[{#FSNAME},pfree].last(0)}<20</expression>
<name>Free disk space is less than 20% on volume {#FSNAME}</name>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:vfs.fs.inode[{#FSNAME},pfree].last(0)}<20</expression>
<name>Free inodes is less than 20% on volume {#FSNAME}</name>
<name>Disk space usage {#FSNAME}</name>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<name>System performance</name>
<name>CPU load</name>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<name>CPU utilization</name>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<name>Memory usage</name>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<name>Swap usage</name>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:vfs.file.cksum[/etc/passwd].diff(0)}>0</expression>
<name>/etc/passwd has been changed on {HOST.NAME}</name>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:kernel.maxfiles.last(0)}<1024</expression>
<name>Configured max number of opened files is too low on {HOST.NAME}</name>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:kernel.maxproc.last(0)}<256</expression>
<name>Configured max number of processes is too low on {HOST.NAME}</name>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:system.uname.diff(0)}>0</expression>
<name>Host information was changed on {HOST.NAME}</name>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:agent.hostname.diff(0)}>0</expression>
<name>Host name of zabbix_agentd was changed on {HOST.NAME}</name>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:system.hostname.diff(0)}>0</expression>
<name>Hostname was changed on {HOST.NAME}</name>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:vm.memory.size[available].last(0)}<20M</expression>
<name>Lack of available memory on server {HOST.NAME}</name>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:system.swap.size[,pfree].last(0)}<50</expression>
<name>Lack of free swap space on {HOST.NAME}</name>
<description>It probably means that the systems requires more physical memory.</description>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:system.cpu.load[percpu,avg1].avg(5m)}>5</expression>
<name>Processor load is too high on {HOST.NAME}</name>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:proc.num[].avg(5m)}>300</expression>
<name>Too many processes on {HOST.NAME}</name>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:proc.num[,,run].avg(5m)}>30</expression>
<name>Too many processes running on {HOST.NAME}</name>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:agent.version.diff(0)}>0</expression>
<name>Version of zabbix_agent(d) was changed on {HOST.NAME}</name>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:agent.ping.nodata(5m)}=1</expression>
<name>Zabbix agent on {HOST.NAME} is unreachable for 5 minutes</name>
<expression>{debug OS OpenBSD:system.uptime.change(0)}<0</expression>
<name>{HOST.NAME} has just been restarted</name>
<name>CPU jumps</name>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<name>CPU load</name>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<name>CPU utilization</name>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<name>Memory usage</name>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<name>Swap usage</name>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<host>debug OS OpenBSD</host>
<name>Zabbix agent ping status</name>