17 Basic Installation
Jörg Deckert edited this page 2024-03-13 18:36:49 +01:00

Basic Installation

Virtual Machine

  • create Virtual Machine:
    VMware: deploy OVA image
    KVM: create VM with the QCOW
  • adjust the RAM of the VM (e.g. 4 GB)
  • attach a 2nd hard disk for DATA and SWAP partitions
  • start VM, open console

Login at console

  • allow weak passwords (not recommended):
    login as user "root" without password (only possible from the console)
    mcedit /etc/security/passwdqc.conf
    change the line "enforce=everyone" to "enforce=none"
  • login as user "admin", set new password
  • The following initialization is aborted with an error message because the required partition with the label "DATA" does not exist yet

Initialize DATA disk

  • If desired, temporarily change the key mapping of the console:
    sudo loadkeys us
  • partitioning of the DATA disk:
    sudo "LANG=C" cfdisk /dev/sdb Select label type: gpt
    "New", Partition size: 2G, "Type": Linux swap
    "New", Partition size: <remaining space>
    "Write" => yes, "Quit"
  • format and label the partitions:
    sudo mkswap -L SWAP /dev/sdb1
    sudo mkfs.ext4 -L DATA /dev/sdb2
  • Reboot:
    sudo systemctl reboot

Initialize appliance

  • Login as user "admin"

  • Initialization starts automatically

  • Only for the Zabbix Appliance:
    choose [s]erver|[p]roxy: s

  • become root:
    sudo -i

  • optional: change console keymap to "us" (default is german):
    loadkeys us
    localectl --no-convert set-keymap us
    cp /etc/vconsole.conf /DATA/etc/vconsole.conf
    echo "/etc/vconsole.conf" >> /DATA/.APPLIANCE/populate-data/COPY

  • optional: change locale für user "admin" to us-english (default is german):
    echo "export LANG=C.utf8" >> /home/admin/.bashrc

  • change hostname (replace <fqdn> with the desired hostname and domain):
    hostnamectl hostname <fqdn>
    cp /etc/hostname /DATA/etc/hostname

  • add to /etc/hosts:
    echo "<ip address> <FQDN> <hostname>" >> /DATA/etc/hosts

  • adjust /etc/fstab:
    mcedit /etc/fstab


    # <fs>		<mountpoint>	<type>	<opts>	<dump/pass>
    /dev/sda1	/		ext4	noatime	1 1
    LABEL=SWAP	none		swap	sw	0 0
    LABEL=DATA	/DATA		ext4	noatime	0 1

    cp /etc/fstab /DATA/etc/fstab

  • Network configuration:
    mkdir -p /DATA/etc/systemd/network
    mv /00-eth0.network.example /DATA/etc/systemd/network/00-eth0.network
    mcedit /DATA/etc/systemd/network/00-eth0.network


    Description=first network port

    cp -af /DATA/etc/systemd/. /etc/systemd
    echo "/etc/systemd" >> /DATA/.APPLIANCE/populate-data/COPY

  • VM-Tools (VMware only):
    systemctl enable vmtoolsd
    mkdir -p /DATA/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants
    mkdir -p /DATA/etc/systemd/system/vmtoolsd.service.requires
    cp /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/vmtoolsd.service /DATA/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/vmtoolsd.service
    cp /etc/systemd/system/vmtoolsd.service.requires/vgauthd.service /DATA/etc/systemd/system/vmtoolsd.service.requires/vgauthd.service

  • Reboot:
    systemctl reboot

Optional: additional users with SSH key

  • Login as user "admin"

  • become root:
    sudo -i

  • add two users without mail spool (example names):
    echo "CREATE_MAIL_SPOOL=no" >> /etc/default/useradd
    useradd -m -G users,wheel -s /bin/bash --uid 2001 --user-group --comment "Unitas Network admin" un-jdeckert
    useradd -m -G users,wheel -s /bin/bash --uid 2002 --user-group --comment "Unitas Network admin" un-iwetzel

  • Add SSH keys:
    mkdir /home/un-jdeckert/.ssh
    echo -n "ssh-rsa " > /home/un-jdeckert/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDuzZGqCzy" >> /home/un-jdeckert/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "vM3HhRezwZCxgwOEERcGr2+eSQJ3hb3C4A+QgYh" >> /home/un-jdeckert/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "8j6dgfsDNhNciwfZ+Prx4MukRl0YGomdmB7yyFm" >> /home/un-jdeckert/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "FE/73CTo3LEK/BfTiRRTRyabJPP2ozMrKj3hxXd" >> /home/un-jdeckert/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "FfYvhNB8JoAtLS+ANGv0YM+IvHBXgycRx1Pj7A2" >> /home/un-jdeckert/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "6KM7+Fpo17oNxlIAc8T7+Px7azFHk22AzH2Rw4M" >> /home/un-jdeckert/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "/DuFm//v9nLE49xmuFM900Z2KJ+BQoOZX6uFhcQ" >> /home/un-jdeckert/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "AiW4JZIq4yxFFPh5WlIC/3s/4jCCgmFFXSqfazC" >> /home/un-jdeckert/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "JGzONSALb2CvU0RoCwpdIRYDn17q50RRDBq/KXJ" >> /home/un-jdeckert/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo "u0pxQzdoIzVIxkQwwykc7 Unitas-JDeckert" >> /home/un-jdeckert/.ssh/authorized_keys

    mkdir /home/un-iwetzel/.ssh
    echo -n "ssh-rsa " > /home/un-iwetzel/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC/BoCJb3I" >> /home/un-iwetzel/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "a+NBVoP7G1hy11DcqB3GiVnN2MewHVKInzVu4br" >> /home/un-iwetzel/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "Nvc4oTRQAtYKuhovxUHbrT8faBuZvjz/72PbeY7" >> /home/un-iwetzel/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "Ib7lPCw2y0lpnG3hQs9wGA98SzJCYwggs9JA6zG" >> /home/un-iwetzel/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "IMtoibqFSj90C95ulwW1GwUe9LxlLHAkBRF3NVE" >> /home/un-iwetzel/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "ln0VaCUokBqTqpYOI8vQ+1U06BS/R2QydRgI2eL" >> /home/un-iwetzel/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "FXdO6FSrM9f17HHdkysfKIuQvNMWcH6N+kpVZ7j" >> /home/un-iwetzel/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "m6ZxB+abw7vmDMYQPlehbJ722fuXg0eAGLERG95" >> /home/un-iwetzel/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo -n "IGjjsy/ehR/+MN4L/b0Bf/efStLsHwtz1FW0SnK" >> /home/un-iwetzel/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo "veCXUQrI8DpPO+JiKL8oZ Unitas-IWetzel" >> /home/un-iwetzel/.ssh/authorized_keys
    chown -R un-jdeckert:un-jdeckert /home/un-jdeckert/.ssh
    chown -R un-iwetzel:un-iwetzel /home/un-iwetzel/.ssh

  • Move and link home directories:
    mkdir /DATA/home
    mv /home/un-jdeckert /DATA/home/un-jdeckert
    mv /home/un-iwetzel /DATA/home/un-iwetzel
    ln -nsf /DATA/home/un-jdeckert /home/un-jdeckert
    ln -nsf /DATA/home/un-iwetzel /home/un-iwetzel

Additional users with linked home directory in /DATA/home are automatically recreated when Apliance is updated. It is not necessary to add them in /DATA/.APPLIANCE/populate-data/.